Video Marketing

Video Marketing Services by imFORZA
HD Video

60 second HD Video

1 hour video shoot at 1 location of your choosing to produce a polished .mp4 file. Includes 1 round of edits to get it just right for you

Custom Video Script

Professionally written script (up to 300 words) for those that don’t like winging it or just like to have a little direction

Custom Video Script

Video Optimization and Publishing

Expert optimization of your video hosting sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and/or Wistia

Video Optimization and Publishing
Promotion and Distribution

Promotion and Distribution

Help with making prospects and customers aware of your new video so it can deliver traffic, leads or sales for your business

Video Marketing Service Pricing


Become a resource

Become a resource

Grow your brand

Grow your brand

Boost your traffic

Boost your traffic

Attract & retain customers

Attract & retain customers

Video Services for All Purposes

Depending on your business objectives, video content can be used in many different ways. Here are a few to get your creative juices flowing…

Business Profile Video
Customer Testimonial Video

Customer Testimonial Video

Animated Explainer Video

Animated Explainer Video

Office Walkthrough Video

Office Walkthrough Video

Community/Lifestyle Video

Community/Lifestyle Video

Drone/Aerial Video

Drone/Aerial Video

Frequently Asked Questions

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Video Marketing Services

Which online marketing services do I need?

This will always depend on what your goals are for your business. For example, if you have an eCommerce business and you want to generate as many sales as possible during the upcoming holiday season, then you’re going to want to primarily focus on rolling out targeted paid advertising campaigns that feature enticing creative and strong calls to action.

How much do your services cost?

Since we do not offer pre-packaged, cookie-cutter marketing options (we don’t believe in them) your marketing costs with us will be something that we provide after an initial consultation and the completion of initial research. There are many factors that will affect your specific cost recommendations (e.g. goals, timeline, competition, products or services being promoted, etc). A good expectation to start with is this: the more you spend equates to the more time and resources our team will have to carry out your online marketing strategy and thus, the less time it will take to see direct results. You can always start with a small budget, but your expectations should be commensurate with what you’re willing and able to allocate to your marketing efforts.

What services do you not offer?

We are full-service Internet marketing agency. As you can see from the list of services above, we provide all marketing services and strategies that involve using the web. We do not offer any offline services like print marketing, cold calling, telemarketing, etc. You’d be better suited finding and working with an agency that specializes in those services.

What if I have more questions?

We’d be happy to answer them. Go ahead and schedule a complimentary consultation with us and we’ll make sure we get all of your questions answered then.